Letting them into your silo is the easy bit. Letting them into your head and heart is harder.

In my work this year supporting groups to work together I’ve seen clients working hard to break down the silos and collaborate more effectively with others. I’ve been struck by the commitment shown by many to changing the way they work together. I’ve also been struck by some of the challenges.

Collaborating authentically and creatively with others means being vulnerable, and this is part of the challenge of working across silos. To genuinely let them in to my dilemmas and aspirations I have to let them into:

My head – so they can understand my thinking.

My team – so they can be a part of us, even if they don’t seem to fit.

My work plan – because we are doing this together.

My budget – if are working together on this then my budget is theirs.

My mistakes and uncertainties – because if I can’t be open and honest with them about what I know and don’t know, we aren’t really collaborating.

Silos are organisational but they are also emotional. Getting into the room together across your silos is necessary. Letting them into your head and heart is the thing that makes the difference. The good news is that you can take small steps, take some small risks while staying safe. You don’t have to bare all in order to build your confidence to work together.

And best of all, you can get started today. Just try it!