November 1, 2023
Extending our thinking to be wiser together
Creativity and generative thinking are very human too, and with the right encouragement any team can be more creative.
November 6, 2018
A Dangerous Idea- Love your Enemy!
I was struck by her comment on the really dangerous ideas in our civil discourse- things like blinding certainty and…
October 30, 2018
Wine, Castles and Complexity
A trip to the Alsace delivers unexpected lessons on complexity
September 18, 2018
Two things that collaboration is NOT
As I listen to people learning to collaborate, some of their difficulties seem to emerge from their ideas about what…
September 7, 2018
What’s So Hard About Water?
The water sector is rich in expertise, yet to successfully tackle the dilemmas we must build our ‘collaborative…
August 17, 2018
Where Has All The Certainty Gone?
Every presentation I went to had something to say about change, about stepping “into the grey”, or “risk on……
July 31, 2018
Top Tips for Managing Complex Water systems
Managing water is tricky so I thought I’d share three things I’m learning about how to make progress with complex…
June 19, 2018
What Can The Fonze Teach Us About Managing Water?
Water experts are under pressure to be just that – experts - and for most of us that means knowing our work.
June 8, 2018
When the Problem is the Problem
Imagine if the water planning problem was defined as more of a dilemma: How do we ensure a healthy river supporting a…
June 4, 2018
3 Waters and a Question of Trust
A high degree of trust will be necessary to allow a frank and honest discussion on what may be the appropriate…
May 28, 2018
A Crazy Question for Water Managers
“I have always said that managing water is about managing people and managing relationships”.