November 4, 2024
How I survived my angriest public meeting
This terrifying baptism of fire taught me three things that have never left me
April 10, 2024
A Tale of Two Forums
This is experience is an illustration of how a collaborative mindset is the key to success, whatever the circumstance.
February 19, 2024
How to buy a car, and other tough decisions
Don't strive to make the right decision. Rather, seek to make the decision right.
January 30, 2024
A Flower, a Bear and a Cross-Eyes walked into a classroom…
It seems they ran an engagement process but not a collaborative process designed to generate ownership of outcomes.
December 1, 2023
A painful Metro journey in Paris
Though ostensibly talking about the same thing – a rail system in Paris - everyone was trying to solve a different…
November 1, 2023
Extending our thinking to be wiser together
Creativity and generative thinking are very human too, and with the right encouragement any team can be more creative.
November 1, 2023
How to look at your project from another perspective
Like anything that helps us be more thoughtful, this tool is useful. Try it for yourself and be wiser together.
October 9, 2023
Why taking the risky action is the path to reducing risks
Circling the wagons is a natural response to stakeholder anger, but it's likely to increase the very thing you are…
October 9, 2023
Are you managing risks or managing outrage?
There is only a low correlation between the actual level of physical risk in a situation and the amount of concern it…
September 5, 2023
Vote ‘Yes’ to Listening and Curiosity
When collaborating, don’t set up situations that become referendums on the question at hand. Rather, set up…
September 4, 2023
Down with Difficult Debates
With some simple skills and processes we can get out of our adversarial thinking and start learning together about what…