November 4, 2024
How I survived my angriest public meeting
This terrifying baptism of fire taught me three things that have never left me
April 14, 2023
Whose Story Is It Anyway?
Inviting your stakeholders to write their own version of the story can be an essential component of success.
March 30, 2023
Oscar Winners, Net Zero and the Skills Gap
What are the skills of doing everything, everywhere, all at once to meet our Paris commitments?
March 8, 2023
Diving in to a collaboration mystery
How can organisations best avoid poor meetings and boring talkfests while finding ways to do productive work together?
August 4, 2022
Being comfortable with discomfort
While the group’s inherent desire was to help “fix” the situation, there was a growing recognition that allowing people…
July 14, 2022
Resetting your collaboration
The relationship element is harder to see and trickier to deal with, but much more likely to allow smooth sailing when…
June 15, 2022
What migraines taught me about overmanaging
I woke with a migraine, and dragged myself to the meeting feeling pretty terrible, so just had to sit there and let it…
April 6, 2022
Shared Direction- “What does good look like?”
It is essential to be clear on what success looks like to be confident that the solutions that emerge will be resilient…
March 15, 2022
Trusting the data in co-design
....they had been focused on the data, and rather than the less obvious contextual issues that were also critical to…
February 16, 2022
Take a different viewpoint
the importance of seeing more than one viewpoint when tackling a complex situation to build a clearer and more complete…
November 23, 2021
How do you shift the collaboration narrative?
If you want better outcomes from working together better, the case for a new business as usual is clear.