February 4, 2022
The Three Steps of Authentic Collaboration
We can take comfort in three simple steps for working with others on our most challenging problems. These steps don’t make collaboration easy but they do…
February 4, 2022
The Three Steps of Authentic Collaboration
We can take comfort in three simple steps for working with others on our most challenging problems. These steps don’t…
September 28, 2021
Even when they don’t want to collaborate, you have choices…
It is often framed as if being 'unwilling" is somehow not acceptable, whereas there are often other choices available
June 15, 2021
Unlocking Co-design
In discussing the context for using such a tool, the client realised that it prompted a new way of thinking (mindset)…
March 23, 2021
The Heart of Collaboration
There is a pathway to follow when collaborating and it begins well before we seek solutions. How are you ensuring you…
March 12, 2021
Collaboration- Assert and Love?
... people often find themselves vacillating between wanting to drive in a particular direction, and waiting to build…
March 8, 2021
Your Lonely Plant Guide to Collaboration
Whether you are lost in Florence or lost in your collaboration, turn to the guide that shows you the path forward.
January 28, 2021
Are your collaborative contracts really collaborative?
While the contract looked different, it felt the same to the users.......it takes a different mindset to make a process…
October 7, 2020
There is co-design, and then there is co-design…
When you hear someone say they are running a “co-design process”, you might ask just how much involvement stakeholders…
August 11, 2020
The Presence of Trust
I’ve asked myself ... what is trust? Why is it so important in human relationships and human communication? How do we…