July 14, 2022
Resetting your collaboration
The relationship element is harder to see and trickier to deal with, but much more likely to allow smooth sailing when tackled.
July 5, 2021
COVID Horse or COVID Mouse?
As COVID uncertainty continues are we creating a solution dressed up as a test, or setting the mice free to show us…
November 18, 2020
Those silos are still around!
it is not fundamentally the tools or skills I had that made the difference- it was the collaborative thinking that…
September 9, 2020
The Agony of Silence
...the pain of being silent is one of the keys to listening more effectively. But this insight doesn't make it any…
August 20, 2020
A hop, skip and jump into collaboration
Our insight is that we need to treat such situations more like a dance than a climb- taking a flexible approach allows…
June 25, 2020
What makes you do different?
And I'm actually seeing that trying something different isn't just really useful when I am faced with a complex and…
June 22, 2020
Is it time to do something different?
I, personally, am about to do something very different that is simultaneously exciting, scary, sad and makes me feel…
May 22, 2020
Fear of failure – does it shut us down or drive us?
Perhaps fear of failure starts at school where the words ‘failure’ and ‘fail’ are scary.
April 29, 2020
(Not) Walking into Uncertainty
Initially I was facing lots of unknowns regarding my treatment- did I have coronavirus?( test negative!), could I get…
October 29, 2019
Surviving workplace disruption #2
it makes sense to consider how to tackle disruptions using a more collaborative mindset - and to consider some Golden…